A.U.M. Schematics

Martin Muller - AUM Schematics

Over the time evolution, the three AUM currents structure the human consciousness within the dualistic nature-spirit mode: Subconscious on the nature side and superconscious on the spirit side, progressively become conscious.

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Martin Muller - AUM Schematics

Now in the 6th period, Entering the 7th period, the age of Aquarius, Man opens the The A zone in the head at Am and the M zone in the abdomen at Ma, opening ne levels of consciousness. Man has gained consciousness of the U center of the thorax, symbolically the heart.

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Martin Muller - AUM Schematics

Time evolution of consciousness

The body is structured and radiates in harmony with the fundamental positive energy currents: A = ideation, U = formulation, M = expression. The integration of nature and spirit allows the functions to become conscious.

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Martin's original sketch

In French, is highly symbolic. It integrates the esoteric wisdom in a dynamic vision of the evolution of life, presented in explicit wording. The symbols A U M as illustrated, are at the core of Martin’s teachings. They illustrate the dynamics of the animating currents. The fundamental currents A U M localize and radiate on points of each three corresponding zone-functions. The living body, considered in its dual aspect, as Nature/Spirit is animated this way in a triple mode. Three functions of manifestation: A impulse, U formulation, M expression. Three zones in the body, three aspects in each zone-function.

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Martin Muller - AUM Schematics

The Hologram

(see Calesthenics of December 1980, page 334 ss.)

In Martin's vision, this illustrates the human creation from upper left corner to the lower right, where Man integrates his divine nature as the Spaceship

The graphics represent in color Man evolution in space/time from “Blue” to “Spaceship” and show the relation to the square diagram, projected from the core of the ‘Greenhorn”, a symbol of the human condition.

Martin Muller - AUM Schematics
Martin Muller - Hologram 2