About the book

Martin was a master teacher in Ontology, the science of Being. His teachings give us the tools and insights to develop the awareness of our own divine identity.
Three aspects of Martins teachings, in successive periods form the book.
The Christian mystique: The Lectures at Epalinges.
The psychology of Being: Prelude to the New Man.
The training the awareness of Christ Presence.
Fourteen successive lectures, forming a progressive initiation to the mystery of Christ. It has been translated from the original notes from Martin.
(In the MEMORABILIA site page, We preserve typed copies, in French, of the 14 LECTURES AT EPALINGES. It is a Swiss village overlooking lake Geneva, there, Martin presented cycles of lectures and training. Initially he taught in the form of the esoteric Christian tradition. From that period, we kept in MEMORABILIA two other original texts in French: “L’ETRE D’AMOUR VINT A PASSER” and “OR FONDU”)
Having moved to teach in Geneva, he developed the use of the A U M symbols as fundamental currents in terms of wave physics and energy, eventually developing the representation in square diagram, which integrates physics and psychology in time evolution.
Later in this period, prior to his move to California, he wrote the “Introduction à l’Ontologie”, later traduced and expended in California, it forms the second part of the NEW MAN.
The second part was written by Martin with the help of students, as translation of his earlier work on Ontology.The work is articulated on the symbolism of AUM, the triple currents directive of life. In three sections, psychology, technical training and Ontology proper. The work opens the awareness and the science of being.
In Rancho Santa Fe, CA, Martin assisted by Georgette led awareness training sessions. During four years they were recorded and transcribed than edited to the core teachings
The third part offers the substance of Martin, wisdom presented during four years of monthly meeting with students in southern California, dedicated to teaching and training. The recording of the forty sessions are transcribed and edited, they retain the width, depth and specificity of Martin. In the session of December 1980, Martin introduces the symbol of the HOLOGRAM and the Spaceship as the New Man.
This book presents the teaching of Martin Muller, a spiritual instructor, who worked from the middle to the end of last century, in Switzerland and in the USA. This teaching begins with the attention upon the discovery of the Christ within––the soul–– and how to develop it. It is then followed by practical psychology, technical training, and practical ontology, a sequence of three parts taken from Martin’s book “Prelude to the New Man”. The rest of the book deals with what Martin called ‘calisthenics’, meaning, a calisthenics or training of the consciousness, which was taught here in the USA between 1980 to 1984. Martin’s unique and special gift was (and always has been) through the use of music. With the use of a piece of music, he could animate, elevate, enlighten, expand the consciousness of a group of students and change the energy of the environment. The calisthenics presented here are the teaching which went along with the musical part, consisting of all kinds of music, from classical to modern. Unfortunately, there was no reason to recall here the kind of music he used, since the effect was directly due to the action of Martin, who worked with a very gifted lady, Georgette. I took classes with Martin since 1945 to his death in 1990. I am immensely grateful for what he offered. He was a practical awakener of deep and high consciousness in people and groups, making his trainees ‘new men’, new in the sense that they could, at least to some degree, experiment their centers of awareness, soul in themselves, and a hint of the luminous destiny of man. For the seekers of soul and beyond, ready to train and embark themselves upon a long, but rewarding journey, I strongly recommend this book.
I studied/experienced "LIFE" with Martin Muller in the United States during the 70's and 80's. This book is a must read as we move into the New Age.